
Gunkl: "Not only, but only also..."

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Show at the Piccolo Teatro Carambolage on April 16th and 17th at 8:00pm.

Gunkl is a philosopher among cabaret performers, a brain acrobat under whose spell the audience enjoys the pleasure of thinking. Both the artist and the spectators literally lose themselves in a world of thought where everything is allowed, as long as Gunkl hasn’t forbidden it.
Gunkl immediately tackles the big, decisive questions. He expands horizons in a highly entertaining way, much appreciated by audiences and critics all over the German-speaking world.

In a certain sense, we humans are a bit held hostage by auxiliary verbs. Not so much by the words themselves, but by what they describe: power, duty, will – concepts that define the limits of our actions. Someone who knows everything and can do everything, but doesn't want anything, will do nothing. Unless they have to. But in that case, they will only do the bare minimum until they are no longer required to. And if they really know everything and can do everything, they will find a way to have to do less and less, until eventually, they will do nothing at all. And living like that… well, one has to truly want it.