Presentations & conferences

Conference - Europe and the Environment

Organizer: International Institute of European Studies "Antonio Rosmini"
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Book presentation of the volume published by ESI publishing house, Naples 2021, which collects the minutes of the event that could not be held in 2020

The guidelines on environmental protection proposed in the legal systems of European countries that have been inspired by the principles of liberal democracy reveal some common trends. As a matter of principle, the protection of the environment is listed among the fundamental values of the legal system, where the conditions useful for ensuring the well-being and progress of people are expressed, so that legislators and public authorities are assigned specific functions of promotion, protection and guarantee. Similar considerations can also be found in recent "international declarations" (such as that of the European Union, enunciated in Nice in the year 2000 and later integrated into the Lisbon Treaty) or in the final documents of the International Conferences on the subject of "Environment and Development" (e.g. Stockholm 1972, Rio 1992, Johannesburg 2002 and Rio 2012, as well as in the Proceedings of the numerous Cop Conferences on climate). Starting from these premises, the volume allows to open an interdisciplinary window on environmental issues by comparing philosophers, historians, jurists and other scholars, according to a model that the International Institute of European Studies "Antonio Rosmini," has applied and consolidated over time. It is a dialogue that will be able to allow a wide-ranging view of this important issue and that will be able to bring up numerous questions regarding sustainability and the rights of future generations. Environmental protection, in fact, imposes political and social choices that are decisive for all the peoples of the Planet and for those who will come after us.


  • Prof. Giovanni Cordini (Professor Emeritus of Public Law and Environmental Law, University of Pavia; Director of the Departmental Center for Legal, Historical and Social Studies on the Environment and Land Management, member of the College guaranteeing the constitutionality of the laws of the Republic of San Marino and is President of the Environmental Jurists Club Association
  • Prof. Danilo Castellano (Dean Emeritus - Faculty of Law, University of Udine, Corresponding Member - Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Honorary Member - Royal Academy of Law and Legislation of the Kingdom of Spain).
  • Prof. Damiano Fuschi (Professor of Regional and Local Government Law at the University of Pavia)
  • Dr. Giulia Baj (University Milan-Bicocca)

This will be followed at 5 p.m. by the presentation of the 60th annual conference on "Europe and the Pandemic Emergency: Health Policies, Legal Innovations, Constitutional Evolution, Social and Economic Issues," to be held in Bolzano, Italy on October 6, 7 and 8, 2022.

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