Presentations & conferences

60th annual conference on "Europe and the Pandemic Emergency"

Organizer: International Institute of European Studies "Antonio Rosmini"
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The conference aims to analyze the issues posed by the COVID-19 pandemic first of all to take stock of the situation.

Aims of the conference

The peoples and states of Europe - as well as other peoples and states - have in recent years been faced with the many different problems posed by the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread worldwide. Europe, however, unlike other cultural areas and civilisations has suddenly found itself faced with the need to 'rethink' both its legal and political traditions. In fact, certain institutional aspects and the historical practices associated with them that were thought to be indisputably consolidated were overcome by necessity. The resulting disorientation is generalised. Hence, the search for 'new ways', indispensable for overcoming the situation that has asserted itself and that has changed mentalities, decision-making and operational processes, and social and economic situations, is required. The new issues have imposed (and impose), in other words, political, legal (especially constitutional), social and economic issues for the consideration of governments and the governed, as well as, of course, the revision of health and organisational policy.
The conference aims to analyse the issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic first and foremost in order to take stock of the situation. This will foster understanding of the new problems and provide useful elements for the evaluation and decision-making of those who are called upon to govern and administer. The results, which are the fruit of comparisons of different competences and interdisciplinary analyses, will be offered to the scientific and civil community with the publication of the volume of the Proceedings of the work, in which qualified scholars from various European countries will participate.

Scientific contributions

Scholars from various European universities and institutions of international standing have been invited to the proceedings. In addition, local institutions (starting with the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano/LUB and the European Academy/EURAC) will be involved, should they deem it appropriate.

Articulation of the conference

The conference is divided into four Sections: social, economic, legal and political. For each Section, there will be Lectures (20 minutes), Communications (10 minutes) and Programmed Talks (5 minutes). A free discussion will follow at the end of each session.


Michael RAINER (Univ. of Salzburg/President of the Institut International d'Etudes Européennes "A. Rosmini ") will chair the proceedings of the 60th international conference of the Institute.

THURSDAY 6 October 2022 3.30 p.m.

Giovanni CORDINI (Univ. of Pavia/ Director of the Institute)
General Introduction



Cyrille DOUNOT (Univ. Clermont-Ferrand)
Pandemic emergencies: consequent transformations of society and law


Patrizia MACCHIA (Univ. of Turin)
Health as an individual's right and community interest: solidarity in emergency situations

Pedro VELEZ (Univ. of Lisbon)
The new constitutional right after the pandemic emergency: its theoretical and practical evolution

Planned interventions

Jerzy OCHMANN (Cracow)
Poland and the pandemic emergency


FRIDAY 7 October 2022 9.30 a.m.



Adrien PENERANDA (Univ. of Toulouse)
New questions of economic law and institutional problems after the pandemic


Franco TAMASSIA (Cassino)
Public law and economics after the coronavirus

Damiano FUSCHI (Univ. Statale di Milano)
Public debt containment: welfare state after the pandemic


FRIDAY 7 October 2022 3.30 p.m.



Mario BERTOLISSI (Univ. of Padua)
Evolution of Italian constitutionalism due to the pandemic

José Joaquin JEREZ (Council of State of the Kingdom of Spain - Madrid)
Problems of legitimacy of emergency measures dictated by the pandemic


Carlos PEREZ DEL VALLE (Univ. San Pablo-CEU- Madrid)
Penalistic profiles of the pandemic emergency

Cuno Jakob TARFUSSER (Public Prosecutor- Bolzano/International Criminal Court)
Fundamental individual rights in times of emergency: open questions

Michele SANFILIPPO (Florence)  
Family lexicon: the vocabulary of constitutionalism and its transformation at the origin of the crisis

Planned interventions

Rudi DI MARCO (Udine)
Pandemic, emergency, self-determination: a turning point?


SATURDAY 8 October 2022 9.30 a.m.



Giuliana PAROTTO (Univ. of Trieste)
The evolution of political representation imposed by the pandemic


Alessandro VENTURI (Univ.of Pavia)
Socio-health problems of the coronavirus pandemic

Miguel AYUSO (Univ. Comillas - Madrid)
Constitutionalism and politics in times of pandemic emergency

Danilo CASTELLANO (Udine)
Executive or government? A problem in times of emergency

Planned interventions

Consuelo MARTINEZ-SICLUNA (Univ. Complutense - Madrid)
Law and politics in times of coronavirus


Conclusion and closure of the conference

editorially checked