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CH, CA 2023, Peter Mettler, 166 min. Con . inglese [sott. de, it]

Italian premiere

In seinem audiovisuellen Tagebuch nimmt Peter Mettler Abschied von seiner Mutter und von seinem Vater. In einer stets dialogisch ausgerichteten Suchbewegung über den Lebenszyklus denkt er über das Diesseits und Jenseits nach. Es ist ein ewiger Kreislauf und ein Fließen – wie das fortwährende Vorbeiziehen von Wolken und Flüssen.

Il diario audiovisivo di Peter Mettler è un addio alla madre e al padre. Con una ricerca sempre dialogica volta al ciclo della vita riflette sull’aldiquà e sull'aldilà. È un ciclo eterno e un flusso costante – come lo scorrere incessante delle nuvole e dei fiumi.

In his audiovisual diary, Peter Mettler bids farewell to his mother and father. He reflects on this world and the hereafter in a dialogue-based search through the cycle of life. It is an eternal cycle and a flow - like the continuous passing of clouds and rivers.


Regia | Regie | Direction Peter Mettler
Sceneggiatura | Drehbuch | Script Peter Mettler
Fotografia | Kamera | DOP Peter Mettler
Montaggio | Schnitt | Editing Jordan Kawai, Peter Mettler
Musiche | Musik | Score Peter Bräker
Suono | Ton | Sound Peter Mettler
Produzione | Produktion | Producer Brigitte Hofer, Cornelia Saitler
Casa di produzione | Produktionsfirma | Production company maximage, Grimthorpe Film
Vendite internazionali | Weltvertrieb | World sales maximage

Prima mondiale | Weltpremiere | World premiere Visions du Réel, 2023

Peter Mettler, 1958 CAN.

Geboren 1958 in Toronto, Kanada. Peter Mettler ist ein preisgekrönter schweizerisch-kanadischer Filmemacher, vor allem bekannt für PICTURE OF LIGHT (1994), GAMBLING, GODS AND LSD (2002), PETROPOLIS (2009), THE END OF TIME (2012) und BECOMING ANIMAL (2018). GAMBLING, GODS AND LSD gewann, neben vielen internationalen Preisen den prestigeträchtigen Genie Award for Best Documentary.

Nato nel 1958 a Toronto, Canada. Peter Mettler è un pluripremiato regista svizzero-canadese, noto soprattutto per PICTURE OF LIGHT (1994), GAMBLING, GODS AND LSD (2002), PETROPOLIS (2009), THE END OF TIME (2012) e BECOMING ANIMAL (2018). GAMBLING, GODS AND LSD ha vinto il prestigioso Genie Award per il miglior documentario, oltre a numerosi premi internazionali.

Born in 1958 in Toronto, Canada. Peter Mettler is an award-winning Swiss-Canadian filmmaker, especially known for PICTURE OF LIGHT (1994), GAMBLING, GODS AND LSD (2002), PETROPOLIS (2009), THE END OF TIME (2012) and BECOMING ANIMAL (2018). GAMBLING, GODS AND LSD won, among many international awards, the prestigious Genie Award for Best Documentary.

Filmografia (selezione) | Filmographie (Auswahl) | Filmography (selection)

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