Tourist office Scena

   Schenna / Scena • Piazza Erzherzog Johann 1D

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About Tourist office Scena

The Schenna Tourist Association provides information about everything you need to know about the fascinating holiday resort of Scena!

An autumn hike along the beautiful Scena pathways or an exciting summit tour on Mount Ivigna? Take the cable car up to the Hirzer to enjoy a delicious Kaiserschmarrn on one of the rustic huts and alpine pastures and then fly back down to the valley by paragliding? For young and old, for old and young, for sports fans and lovers of history and culture, there is so much to discover in Schenna, both in summer and winter.
But which public transport will take you to your favourite places when, where will you find the best Törggele cellars in the region and when will the next event take place in Scena - and in what weather? You can find out all this at the Scena Tourist Association.

Events at Tourist office Scena

  • Other
Familienprogramm: Kreative Naturwerkstatt
  • Schenna / Scena, 01/08/2024 // 15:00 - 18:00
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Tierspuren lesen - Die Sprache der Natur
  • Schenna / Scena, from 31/07/2024 // 14:40 - 17:40
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Fantasievolle Blumen und Blüten filzen
  • Schenna / Scena, from 31/07/2024 // 9:30 - 12:00
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Schatzbeutel filzen
  • Schenna / Scena, from 12/08/2024 // 14:30 - 17:30
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Umfilzte Kugeln - bunt gestreift, geblümt oder getupft
  • Schenna / Scena, 14/08/2024 // 9:30 - 12:00
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Feuerwerkstatt mit wildem Kochen
  • Schenna / Scena, from 08/08/2024 // 19:00 - 21:30
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Laterne flechten
  • Schenna / Scena, 01/08/2024 // 9:30 - 12:30
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Märchen- und Spielewanderung
  • Schenna / Scena, 07/08/2024 // 9:30 - 12:30
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Plitsch platsch - Wasserratten aufgepasst!
  • Schenna / Scena, 07/08/2024 // 14:20 - 17:20
  • Sports & freetime
Wasser marsch! Waalwegwanderung
  • Schenna / Scena, 02/09/2024 // 10:00 - 15:00
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Lustige Zwerge und Wichtel filzen
  • Schenna / Scena, from 10/10/2024 // 9:30 - 12:30
  • Other
Familienprogramm: Feuer, Glut, Kastanienduft
  • Schenna / Scena, 10/10/2024 // 15:00 - 18:00