Kurhaus Merano

   Meran / Merano • Freiheitsstr. 37


About Kurhaus Merano

This majestic building in Merano was originally constructed to serve two main purposes. It was meant to be a place where the guests of the thermae could live during their stay.

Famous guests coming from all over the world spent their time in the smoking room, in the game room, in the conversation and reading room as well as in the concert hall. And gambling is worth a mention too. Initially, gambling was only allowed in private clubs for men, but after World War II a casino was officially opened inside the Kurhaus. In 1898 the Kurhaus was the first building supplied with electricity. In 1914 the Kurhaus with its liberty style by the Wien secessionist Friedrich Ohmann was expanded thanks to the addition of a spacious dance and concert hall, an elegant foyer with large steps and a gallery. This new aisle of the building, built in 1914, is still a distinctive area of the Kurhaus.

Events at Kurhaus Merano

  • Music & concerts
Dreikönigskonzert der Algunder Musikkapelle
  • Meran / Merano, from 06/01/2026 // 17:00 - 19:30
  • Theatre
Die Nacht der Musicals 2025
  • Meran / Merano, 26/03/2025 // 20:00 - 22:00