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9.+ 16.04.24 h 12:45 • WAAG +2 WS SELF CARE 45 minutes for you

Car* Waller, devote your lunch break to yourself*! WS Self Care continues in April. During the working day, it is important to take a break and dedicate oneself to body - mind - physical well-being. Time, however, is always short, so Weigh Station has come up with an easy appointment dedicated specifically to those who want to start doing so: 45 minutes during the lunch break (from 12:45 to 13:30) once a week at Casa della Pesa, accompanied* by Giulia Manzato, dancer - choreographer - yoga teacher - reiki - pranotherapist. Those who have enrolled* have already started this cycle and secured* a place, if you have missed it* write to us for more info at