
Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen: Die Entführung der Amygdala

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Die Entführung der Amygdala
by Anna Gschnitzer

The amygdala, Greek for ‘almond’, is one of the oldest parts of our brain. If the amygdaloid body perceives danger, it sends signals that lead to the release of stress hormones to prepare the person for flight or fight. After a bicycle accident, a woman lies unconscious on the road and is kidnapped by her amygdala, with ruthless consequences: she forgets to be a mother, she forgets her children, her husband, her home mortgage, the glass ceiling that she can no longer break through after returning to work from maternity leave, the cost of living that exceeds her income - in an instant she leaves it all behind. But can it be done, can it really be done?

This monologue by Anna Gschnitzer, who has already enjoyed great success with the play ‘Fanes’, commissioned by the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen, shows a woman whose life is hanging by a thread and who takes on a radically new perspective. In doing so, she finds tones that are at once angry, exasperated and urgently quick, which in their playfulness make one acutely aware of the existential malaise of the situation.