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The Traditional "Zussl" Race

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At the traditional "Zusslrennen" on Mischief Thursday, winter and cold are to be chased away and spring is to be awakened!

The Banishing of Winter in Prato allo Stelvio

The banishing of winter and the race of the Zussl are ancient traditional customs practiced only in Prato allo Stelvio. Every year at this time, there is a carnival procession and a noisy ritual repeated exactly the same way. On Shrove Tuesday the town’s youth wear white costumes adorned with colored flowers made of paper and large bells, some as heavy as 20 kg, are worn around the waist of the males.

The Zussl are dressed in white from head to toe and adorned with colored ribbons and paper pulp flowers. Tied around their waists, they wear large noisy bells, which often weigh over 20 kilos.

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