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Opening of the Vallatsches mill

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Opening of the Vallatsches flour mill with adventure hike, mill stories, book presentation and film screening by Stelvio filmmaker Peter Grutsch.

Experience a mill, a miller and the miller's craft in Stelvio starting on June 15 at the Vallatsches flour mill. The new family hiking guide “Unterwegs in Stilfs” invites families to Stelvio to discover the path from grain to bread, get to know the Tyrolean granary, immerse themselves in the life of a miller and taste the famous Vinschgerle (Venosta Valley bread). On June 15th, the flour mill will be ceremonially blessed and the program includes an adventure hike from Faslar to Vallatsches Mill with the storyteller Marzia Poli, who will slip into the role of a miller especially for the hike. At 3 pm, the mill will be opened by the mayor Franz Heinisch and the owner Joshua Pinggera. This will be followed by a book presentation and a film screening by Stelvio filmmaker Peter Grutsch (filmed in the commune of Stelvio).