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Obotola Kirschta with original transumanza in Val Casies Valley

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The "Original Obolola Almabtrieb" in Val Casies Valley is particularly rustic. The farmers, dressed in traditional costumes, bring their livestock down to the valley

In Val Casies Valley, in the village of S. Maddalena, the traditional "Kirschta" (church day) is celebrated in autumn. We particularly recommend the "Original Obolola Almabtrieb" on Saturday afternoon. The farmers, dressed in traditional costumes, bring their livestock, such as cows, sheep and goats, directly from the mountain pastures back down to the valley. The animals are lavishly decorated with flowers, wreaths and bells. At the end of the valley, there is traditional food and musical entertainment until the end of the festival. On Sunday, the Kirchtag is celebrated with the traditional morning pint in the S. Maddalena Association House with traditional music and local, regional specialities.