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Alexander Wierer shows from June 10 to August 21, 2021 space-related sculptures and installations, which deal with diverse aspects of the gallery space.

In no event info Alexander Wierer shows from June 10 to August 21, 2021 space-related sculptures and installations, which deal with various aspects of the gallery space. Objects that are personally charged for the artist make it into the exhibition as readymades and thus immediately confront the viewer with the question of the self-evidence of art and the artist. In doing so, Wierer opens up a question that not only plagues young, visual artists, but also concerns all cultural workers and has been sweeping the streets at the latest since the lockdown in March 2020: what value do I have as an artist, what value does my work have? Yet Wierer does not pose these questions in an obtrusive and striking manner, but rather touches the viewer by chance and by the unpretentious occupation of the (expanded) gallery space.