
Herkunft (theatre in german language)

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A guest performance by the Munich Volkstheater to Saša Stanišić

by Saša Stanišić Anyone looking for their origins will find many "Where do you come from? Complex question! First it must be clarified what the where is aimed at. The geographical location of the hill on which the delivery room was located? To the national borders of the state at the time of the last contraction? Genes, ancestors, dialect? No matter how you spin it, origin remains a construct!” In his literary “Self-Portrait with Ancestors,” Saša Stanišić avoids simple answers, even where his last name is written on almost every gravestone, such as in the cemetery of the mountain village of Oskoruša near Višegrad. He remembers a trip there with his grandmother Kristina, who now has dementia. While she loses her memories, he archives his and gets to the bottom of the words in order to unravel the construct of origin. He was born in a country that no longer exists: the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. After it collapsed, he fled to Germany with his parents, got to know the country and its language, and spent his free time at the ARAL gas station with others who also had multiple homes. The adult Stanišić writes novels and received the German Book Prize in 2019 for “Origin”. Not one player is now on stage as Saša, but rather all six. A guest performance by the Munich Volkstheater to Saša Stanišić In a stage version by Felix Hafner Director: Felix Hafner Stage & costumes: Camilla Hägebarth Music: Clemens Wenger Choreography: Blenard Azizaj Dramaturgy: Bastian Boß With: Jakob Immervoll, Jan Meeno Jürgens, Jonathan Müller, Pola Jane O'Mara, Nina Steils, Anne Stein Duration: approx. 1. h. 40 min. without intermission Introduction at 7:30 pm!

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