Finding the money
Introducing the film: Federico Greco (filmmaker, co-author of PIIGS and Once Upon a Time in Italy) -
After the film, debate.
Speakers: Federico Greco and Ivan Invernizzi (economist).
Moderator: Gabriele Bartoletti (expert in MMT, Modern Money Theory).
In connection from New York the director of the film Maren Poitras
Finding the money the film by Maren Poitras with calm and balanced tones explains in a comprehensive manner the economic theory of MMT that opposes the prevailing narrative about the nature of money, i.e. it unmasks the narrative that austerity is inevitable and public debt a problem. He does this by following one of the most prominent economists in the US, Stephanie Kelton, a former Obama and Bernie Sanders aide.
It is incredible to see how normally no one has the slightest idea how the money that so profoundly determines our lives works. It is incredible to see how there are Nobel Prize winners in economics who say exactly the opposite of each other on this issue. This documentary has the merit of explaining to the viewer why this is so and gives us a totally new idea compared to the one we have become accustomed to.
Reservations are recommended to attend the screening:
-alle 20:00 di Ven. 10.1 la prenotazione scade.
-ingresso riservato ai soli soci del Cineforum Bolzano. È possibile iscriversi direttamente all'ingresso (consigliato congruo anticipo) oppure online qui. Il prezzo minimo per l'iscrizione è di 10 euro.
Si ricorda che per i soci tesserati sostenitori, Cinebimbo e Famiglia (tessera rosa), l'ingresso è gratuito mentre per i soci solidali e ordinari (tessera azzurra) è richiesto un contributo libero.
After the film, debate.
Speakers: Federico Greco and Ivan Invernizzi (economist).
Moderator: Gabriele Bartoletti (expert in MMT, Modern Money Theory).
In connection from New York the director of the film Maren Poitras
Finding the money the film by Maren Poitras with calm and balanced tones explains in a comprehensive manner the economic theory of MMT that opposes the prevailing narrative about the nature of money, i.e. it unmasks the narrative that austerity is inevitable and public debt a problem. He does this by following one of the most prominent economists in the US, Stephanie Kelton, a former Obama and Bernie Sanders aide.
It is incredible to see how normally no one has the slightest idea how the money that so profoundly determines our lives works. It is incredible to see how there are Nobel Prize winners in economics who say exactly the opposite of each other on this issue. This documentary has the merit of explaining to the viewer why this is so and gives us a totally new idea compared to the one we have become accustomed to.
Reservations are recommended to attend the screening:
-alle 20:00 di Ven. 10.1 la prenotazione scade.
-ingresso riservato ai soli soci del Cineforum Bolzano. È possibile iscriversi direttamente all'ingresso (consigliato congruo anticipo) oppure online qui. Il prezzo minimo per l'iscrizione è di 10 euro.
Si ricorda che per i soci tesserati sostenitori, Cinebimbo e Famiglia (tessera rosa), l'ingresso è gratuito mentre per i soci solidali e ordinari (tessera azzurra) è richiesto un contributo libero.