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E-MTB Riding Technique Basic Course

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Basic E-MTB riding technique course

Bike setup, basic position & balance, braking technique, cornering basics, line choice, basic and downhill position, mastering small obstacles, uphill riding technique (including starting on a hill).
The first hour is spent on basics and dry exercises before heading towards Stoanerne Mandlen. Several stops are planned along the way to explain and practice each technique.

Duration: approx. 4 hours (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Dates: Saturday 03/05 and 17/05 (other dates on request)

€ 30 per person with own bike
€ 50 including rental of a full-suspension bike
Min. 2 people, max. 8 people

Private Guiding (on request):

Private half-day tour (approx. 3 hours): € 180
Private full-day tour (approx. 6 hours): € 260
(max. 8 people)