Music & concerts

Concert evening: The Queen’s Favourites

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An evening for music lovers

Music for Oboe Band at the Court of Queen Anne Stuart in the Lengmoos Commandery at 8.30 p.m. Entrance € 15, RittenCard € 12, student € 5. Towards the end of the 17th century, the novel (Baroque) oboe spread like wildfire across Europe. Even in London, hordes of French musicians migrated and made careers, even in royal circles. Queen Anne Stuart even had her own oboe band. Some popular pieces have been preserved in a recently discovered collection and will be performed in this concert by the ensemble La Petite Écurie on historical instruments. Music by Henry Purcell, James Paisible, Thomas Morgan... Oboe Band La Petite Écurie: Miriam Jorde Hompanera & Valerie Colen - Baroque oboes Marc Bonastre Riu - Taille d'hautbois Giovanni Battista Graziadio - Baroque bassoon Philipp Lamprecht - historical percussion Ticket reservations!

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Possible on rain days

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