Music & concerts
Concert and traditional confetti battle
At 8.30 p.m. parade through the village with lanterns, followed by a confetti fight and concert by the Niederdorf music band at the music pavilion in Niederdorf.
In case of rain, the event will be held on 17 August.
Exactly year in, year out, on 15 August, 'Ferragosto Day', there is a huge fun day in Niederdorf. Fun for young and old in the middle of summer is the confetti battle at the music pavilion. This event was first mentioned in the chapel's chronicle in 1924. A lantern procession for children, accompanied by the Niederdorf music band, opens the event at 8.30 pm.
Of course, there will be a concert by the band at the pavilion afterwards.
You simply have to be there - otherwise you've really missed out on something great.
In case of rain, the event will be held on 17 August.
Exactly year in, year out, on 15 August, 'Ferragosto Day', there is a huge fun day in Niederdorf. Fun for young and old in the middle of summer is the confetti battle at the music pavilion. This event was first mentioned in the chapel's chronicle in 1924. A lantern procession for children, accompanied by the Niederdorf music band, opens the event at 8.30 pm.
Of course, there will be a concert by the band at the pavilion afterwards.
You simply have to be there - otherwise you've really missed out on something great.