Sports & freetime
Carezza skischool summer - Little Forest Rangers Explore the Woods
What is the work of a forest ranger? Together, we learn about the duties of a forest ranger and see what they carry in their backpacks
Participation possible half day (35€), full day (60€ excl. lunch) or whole week (190€ excl. lunch).
The program is designed for children aged 5 and above.
Info: Carezza Skischool | | +39 0471 612 236
Registration within 4.00 pm of the day before.
You can find the entire weekly programme on the Carezza Skischool homepage at
Participation possible half day (35€), full day (60€ excl. lunch) or whole week (190€ excl. lunch).
The program is designed for children aged 5 and above.
Info: Carezza Skischool | | +39 0471 612 236
Registration within 4.00 pm of the day before.
You can find the entire weekly programme on the Carezza Skischool homepage at