
CALVINO - CHAGALL Emotions of the Artist

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An event at the Civic Galerie in honour of the two outstanding artists Italo Calvino una Marc Chagall.

Forty years after the death of two great figures of world culture, Italo Calvino and Marc Chagall, the Italian Association of Artists of Trento | Bolzano FIDA and the ASSB - Associazione Scrittrici e Scrittori di Bolzano are commemorating the two outstanding artists with an event at the Bolzano City Gallery.
The wide-ranging cultural event will showcase works by twenty-nine artists from the Trentino-Alto Adige region as well as writings by the thirteen writers who are members of the ASSB Bolzano. These are free and personal interpretations and inspirations, a tribute to the two unforgotten personalities who are of immeasurable importance in art and literature.
The artists and writers explore their significant legacy in order to create a moment of wonder in today's culture - a reflection of a past that is still alive.
‘The Emotions of Artists’ is the title of this ambitious project, which revolves around the deep emotionality masterfully concealed in the paintings and writings of the two great authors. As in the light, fleeting poetry that is always palpable in their imaginative works.

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