Presentations & conferences

Caffè Filosofico - La lentezza

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Discussion open to all interested, no specific philosophical background required. Free admission. In italian language.

In italian language.
Philosophical Café introduced and moderated by Camilla Stirati, philosophy graduate.

According to the writer Milan Kundera, there is a secret relationship between slowness and memory. In recent decades, the ability to be fast in our daily actions has become a value, to which, although we do not really know why, we have dedicated all our actions and thoughts. In the past, conversely, slowness and the word otium (‘lazy’) did not necessarily have a negative meaning. On the contrary, they represented that inactivity and stillness that offered the space for the new to grow. In addition to this, slowness also structures another element that is fundamental to our lives: the possibility of creating memory, reflection on events that necessarily takes time, but which in return allows us both to understand the phenomena we experience and to look at ourselves in depth.