Music & concerts
98° Parish in Kollmann
Parish in Colma/Kollmann with beginning at 10 a.m. on the Festival Place in Colma/Kollmann.
10.00 am: Holy Mass with the Church choir of Kollmann and Barbian
11.00 am: Morning pint with the music band "Osttirolo".
1.30 pm: Concert of the music band "Lengstein".
4.30 pm: Entertainment with the music group "Soliden Oberkrainer".
For food and drink is taken care of.
The Kollmann band cordially invites everyone and looks forward to seeing you there.
10.00 am: Holy Mass with the Church choir of Kollmann and Barbian
11.00 am: Morning pint with the music band "Osttirolo".
1.30 pm: Concert of the music band "Lengstein".
4.30 pm: Entertainment with the music group "Soliden Oberkrainer".
For food and drink is taken care of.
The Kollmann band cordially invites everyone and looks forward to seeing you there.